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Financial Risk Management

Financial Risk Management
Financial Risk Management

With the growth of the internet environment in communication, the speed of its spread and use also increases. A change in the country's economy is learned more quickly by those concerned in other circumstances, and changes are made to this information. Therefore, a change in one economy affects other economies. These changes in prices, exchange rates and interest do not change. If unexpected changes in the economy have brought markets into play and necessitated the development and performance of better risk management techniques, activities facing financial risk may go bankrupt if they cannot manage this situation well.

Changing conditions have shown that taking risks alone is sufficient to ensure a successful application, and that real success can be achieved with good risk management, and this understanding has been sloganized with the phrase "Don't take the risk, manage it".

It is necessary to pay attention to a necessary point and to make comprehensive evaluations by taking into account the course of the world economy instead of analyzing the economy of a particular country and making future-oriented analysis. It is emphasized that universal thought should be acted by taking into account the possibilities, with the expression "Global thought, local behavior".


Ticaretin doğasında olan risk, ticaretin var olmasından bu yana hep kaçınılan ancak, kar elde etmek için farklı ilişkiler üstlenilen bir durumdur.

Risk, genel anlamda kaybetme olasılığı olarak güçlenme riski, aslında tahmin edilen değer ile gerçekleşen değer arasında olumlu ya da olumsuz sapmaları belirtir. Finansal risk yönetimi kapsamında daha çok riskten kaçınma (korunma) amacına yönelik bir değerlendirme yaparak, risk yönetimine; kur, faiz ve fiyat riskleri bakış açısına yaklaşılmaktadır.

Finansal risk yönetimi, finansal kararların ortaya çıkaracağı sonuçları; döviz kurları, faiz oranları ve fiyatlar gibi değişkenlerle birleştirerek, uygun riskten kaçınma tekniklerini araştırma ve özelliklerini açıklayarak, doğru zamanda doğru çözümler uygulama sürecini içerir.

Diğer bir deyişle finansal riskin yönetimi; çeşitli finansal koşulların özel koşulları ile birleştirerek, kararların sürekli gözden geçirilip ele alınıp, satın alınan kişilerin yeni alındığı dinamik bir süreci içerir.

Finansal kararların başarısı, verilen kararların doğru olması yanında, zamanında verilmiş ve uygulanmış olmasıyla da genel konular. Zamanlama finansal yönetimin en önemli etkenlerinden biridir.

Riski yönetim yöntemlerine yönelik çözümlere yönelik olmayan, riskten kaçınma amacıyla yapılmasa bile yanlış bir değerlendirme uygulamaya konursa başlı başına risk artışı bir faktör de olabilir. Riskin kontrolünden doğan tahminlerin sağlıklı temellere dayandırılması gerekmektedir. Gelecekteki fiyat beklentileri ve anlaşmalardaki Fiyatlar arasında bir ilişki vardır. Anlaşmalardan doğabilecek en yüksek kazanç ve kaybedilen durumda göz önünde bulundurularak üstlenebilir risk düzeyi belirlenmelidir.


Contemporary risk management techniques were first used by financial management to prevent the reduction in interest income caused by an unexpected collapse in interest rates.

Risk management has developed and a situation has emerged that covers risks and changes in commodity prices and is also implemented by non-profit institutions.

These physical risk management techniques have many applications. Exchange rates, interest rates, and prices in currencies pose a significant risk factor not only to for-profit organizations, but also to government and non-profit organizations.

Businesses; It is possible that activities, changes in traditions, special differences arising from climates and different financial situations may arise. New risk management techniques are being developed for emerging new conditions.

Since risk management techniques can, in a sense, concretize future expectations and develop the ability to tie expectations to a period in a programmed way, financial managers; Currency exchange rates are recognized as determining how much exchange rates and prices change. In this way, cash inflows and outflows can be kept together. This provides significant contributions to planning and budgeting. In addition, the benefit of durability of financial risk management techniques helps determine the flexibility of the operating budget and the principle of continuity.

Along with the developed techniques and wealth of technology, packaged computer programs produced using risk management have accelerated decision processes and increased transactions. This has been standardized considering the international quality winners markets. Predictions using designed programs; It has become more systematic, accurate, fast, cheap and usable.


More hedging methods need to be used to combat variable exchange rate risk, where inflation is high and there is government intervention in the exchange rate, as in Turkey. Because imports, which are developing, often exceed output and therefore the foreign exchange debt burden increases.

Since foreign exchange prices, which cannot be changed by market conditions, are determined by Central Bank interventions, exchange rate devaluations to be carried out at the student's discretion may put those who already have foreign currency debt in a worse repayment situation.

In developing countries such as Turkey, international agreements are made in foreign currencies, which means exchange rate risk is a greater danger.

Financial risk management is very important not only in terms of its effects on profit but also in terms of sustaining its assets. There may be unexpected changes in exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices. It is necessary to be prepared for these changes and to take precautions.

For these basic reasons, knowledge of financial risk management and their importance are great, especially in Turkey.


The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) is recognized as the leading accreditation for financial risk management globally. To earn the FRM certification, the applicant must have two years of work experience and knowledge of market risk, credit risk, cumulative risk and investment management.

Businesses can support business owners or managers to make recommendations on risk balancing and taking positions, while also working with a dedicated financial risk manager externally. Programs that can be separated by independent companies regarding financial risk management can also be very useful choices to increase effectiveness.

An investment for participation involves a financial risk in which income and profit cannot be separated from risk. It helps people to make choices by being aware of financial risks and finding better opportunities with various investment solutions.


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